P-047 and Could See a Puma
Thailand. Dir. Kongdej Jaturanrasamee. 2011, 98 mins. DCP. With Apichai Tragoolpadetgrai, Prinya Ngamwongwarn. Lek (Apichai) and Kong (Prinya) work beside each other at the local mall and spend their free time breaking into neighborhood homes together. Once inside, they don’t steal anything; instead, they gather ideas for possible alternate lives. After one of these exploits, Lek wakes up in a hospital, whereupon everyone insists on calling him “Kong.” Starting off as a conventional portrait of directionless young adulthood, this breakout independent film from veteran Thai director Kongdej soon transitions into a complex and elliptical meditation on the fluidity of identity.
Preceded by:
Could See a Puma
Argentina. Dir. Eduardo Williams. 2012, 17 mins. Digital projection. A group of young men journey from their destroyed neighborhood to the deepest reaches of the earth in this gorgeous apocalyptic fantasy.
Free with Museum admission. A First Look series pass, allowing the holder admission to the Museum and all First Look screenings for the run of the series, is available for $40. Order online or call 718 777 6800.