Short Films by Ira Sachs
Sunday, August 26, 2012, 5:00 p.m.
With Ira Sachs in person.
All films directed by Ira Sachs.
Last Address
2009, 8 mins. Digital projection. With exterior images of the various houses, apartment buildings, and lofts where an entire generation of New York artists died of AIDS, Sachs pays tribute to the talent and lives lost over the last thirty years, and to their continuing influence on American culture.
1994, 28 mins. 16mm. Starring Dominique Dibbell of The Five Lesbian Brothers, Lady plays with gender ambiguity, never specifying whether the central character is a woman playing a man or a lesbian playing a gay man playing a heterosexual woman.
1992, 55 mins. 16mm. Using primarily gay and lesbian performers, Vaudeville examines political and social issues of a community through a traveling theatrical troupe.
Free with Museum admission on a first-come, first-served basis. Museum members may reserve tickets in advance by calling 718 777 6800. For more information about becoming a Museum member and to join online, please click here.