Courtesy of Photofest
They Came from Within (a.k.a. Shivers)
Dir. David Cronenberg. 1975, 87 mins.
With Paul Hampton, Joe Silver, Lynn Lowry, Allan Kolman. A phallic/excremental parasite invades the tenants of a modern apartment complex in this humorous and sympathetic portrayal of sexual frenzy. Cronenberg finds a certain savage joy in all the mayhem, in his bracing debut feature.
Preceded by:Transfer
1966, 7 mins. With Rafe Macpherson, Stefan Nosko. Cronenberg’s first film is a surreal exchange between a psychiatrist and his obsessive former patient, who claims he invented stories to gain the psychiatrist’s attention.
From the Drain
1967, 14 mins. With Mort Ritts, Stefan Nosko. This futuristic short features two clothed men in a bathtub discussing chemical warfare. . . until something emerges from the drain.
Free with Museum admission.